I ran across this question when I was looking at an article about the one that got away. It was interesting because it had all of these steps to help you to move on, and refocus your attention. So that you could get over your past love. I got to wondering sometimes God may feel like we are the one that got away. Why is it that having faith the size of a mustard seed, sounds easy, but it isn't? Why does scripture tell us that if we believe we can throw the mountain into the ocean, again easier said than done right. Why is it that in many areas of our life, we get that being discipline is the key. We get that if we want to lose weight we have to restrict our diets; if we want to be physically fit, we need to work out so many times a week. We get that every so many miles we need to change the oil, rotate the tires for the well being of our cars. However, we don't treat our soul's the same way. When it comes to God, we are more apt to be undisciplined.
Which brings me to the point of the question are you a welcome mat or a do not disturb sign. Are you open to what God has for you, even if it is not what you envisioned. Can you continually remain open to what God is doing all around you. Will you welcome the trials and tribulations that come with life, in order to grow in your faith. Or will you live in isolation, away from God. Ignoring His plans for your life. We live our lives in such ways that in essence we tell God, do not disturb. I would rather stay right where I am than to move into unknown territory. I'd rather deal with my current situation that I'm comfortable with than try something different. God, do not disturb my journey, it may not be perfect but I'm managing. The reality is that
God desires so much more for all of us, even if we are content with where we are at, imagine, if things could get even better. I know for me, things could definitely be better.
So what do we need to do, we need to put the Welcome Mat out for God, to come in and have His way in our lives. We also need to know that when we welcome God in, He is not coming for only a moment, he is coming for a lifetime. Our friends and family will only be with us for a season but God will be with us for all of eternity, if we let Him come in. I don't know about you, but I want to able to say to the mountain to get out of my way, and watch it move.
So good to hear your voice. Great question to ask of the self and I have to work so hard some days to be so vulnerable and keep putting out that welcome mat but I have found that it is always worth it.
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ReplyDeleteHello Tiffany, I know you don't write often but I nominated you for a Liebster Award. I do enjoy what you share and think others will to. I hope to hear from you more often as you really do write well. Just click on my link to find out more. http://crustybreadblog.com