
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are you a Welcome Mat or a Do Not Disturb Sign?

I ran across this question when I was looking at an article about the one that got away.  It was interesting because it had all of these steps to help you to move on, and refocus your attention.  So that you could get over your past love.     I got to wondering sometimes God may feel like we are the one that got away.  Why is it  that having faith the size of a mustard seed, sounds easy, but it isn't?   Why does scripture tell us that if we believe we can throw the mountain into the ocean, again easier said than done right.   Why is it that  in many areas of our life, we get that being discipline  is the key.   We get that if we want to lose weight we have to restrict our diets; if we want to be physically fit, we need to work out so many times a week.  We get that every so many miles we need to change the oil, rotate the tires for the well being of our cars.   However, we don't treat our soul's the same way.   When it comes to God, we are more apt to  be undisciplined.
Which brings me to the point  of the question are you a welcome mat or a do not disturb sign.  Are you open to what God has for you, even if it is not what you envisioned.  Can you continually remain open to what God is doing all around you.   Will you welcome the trials and tribulations that come with life, in order to grow in your faith.  Or will you live in isolation, away from God.  Ignoring His plans for your life. We live our lives in  such ways that in essence we  tell God, do not disturb.   I would rather stay right where I am than to move into unknown territory.  I'd rather deal with my current situation that I'm comfortable with than try something different.   God, do not disturb my journey, it may not be perfect but I'm managing.  The reality is that
God desires so much more for all of us, even if we are content with where we are at, imagine, if things could get even better.  I know for me, things could definitely be better. 

So what do we need to do, we need to put the Welcome  Mat out for God, to come in and have His way in our lives.  We also need to know that when we welcome God in, He is not coming for only a moment, he is coming for a lifetime.  Our friends and family will only be with us for a season but God will be with us for all of eternity, if we let Him come in.   I don't know about you, but I want to able to say to the mountain to get out of my way, and watch it move.  

Friday, July 15, 2011

"I Believe"

James Fortune sings this great song called,  "I Believe,"  it is  a powerful song.  The message is that no matter  what your going through, you have to believe that things will get better for you.   And then he points out not only should you believe but you should know that it's already done.  Recently my pastor said that we think that the future is the future for God.  Our future is God's present.  The creator that knows every hair on your head, surely knows what tomorrow holds.

I love the fact that just when you are ready to give up, God shows up and reminds you that "I got you."  Just when you've have done everything you know how to do, He shows up with a blessing to big for you to even understand.   I want to always remember that God has always got my back no matter what it is, big or small.  I guess that is why in the scriptures he says, don't worry about tomorrow for today's problem's are enough for today.  So short and sweet message today.

 For if you know who holds the future in his hands, then we should be able to believe, "It's Already Done!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why is the question?

So I haven't posted a blog since January.  I have been journaling and tonight I just felt like I wanted to share my thoughts with the world so to speak.   Love is such a hard thing to grasp.  Relationships are so uncertain and the mystery of them always leaves me wondering.   Why is it so hard to forget the past hurts, pain, lies, different goals, wrong type, not saved and etc... you feel in the blank___________, that it makes it so difficult to trust new relationships.   Why is it sometimes our emotions are so fragile like an expensive vase that we keep them on the shelves of our lives never to take them down.  So they sit on the shelves, and they collect dust, sometimes we take it off the shelf if only for a little bit we dust it off  but because we are too scared or fearful that it will break we quickly put it back on the shelf for it's protection, for safety.   We may even go as far as to put the vase in a case, and we may even lock it, so that it makes it impossible for anyone to ever touch the vase.  Then we put the key away, in safe place.  

My thought is that just as vases are meant to be used to hold beautiful flowers, our emotions, our hearts are meant to be filled with love for another.  We were not created to live in isolation.  We were not created to live in fear.  I know that with my mind, and my intellect, but I cant' convince my heart to follow so easily.   I think that sometimes i'm so afraid of being hurt( of my vase breaking) that i'm not even willing to give love a try.  I'm not willing to risk being hurt.  I'm not willing to be vulnerable with another person.  What my intellect knows is that love is worth the risk, it is worth stepping out of one's comfort zone to experience the love that God has given us to share with one another.   What I have been told that even if your heart gets broken, it won't be broke always, you can recover.  

As I ponder these thoughts, I know that I have lots of relationships with both men and woman that I keep at a distance.    I'm working on it, I'm working on letting my guard down, and I want to encourage you today that if you have taken your precious vase and put it in a case and locked it with a key.  Go get your key, unlock the case, and for today at least let there be access to the vase.  Let there be access to your heart.  You don't have to take it off the shelf immediately but you do have to take it out of the case.  The vase of life is most beautiful when those around it are free to put flowers in it.   When those around are able to experience the gift that you are to the world.  

I hope that as I have shared my thoughts today, that someone in this cyber world has been encouraged to try, to trust and to know that you are not alone.

Peace and Blessings,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Stuck in the Snow.......

So the first thing I need to sayis that it's official.  I have dugged my car out of the snow for the very first time yesterday.  14 inches approx.....  What's crazy is that even after I had spent hours shoveling the snow, I was still stuck in the snow.  It wasn't until someone came along and gave me a little push to get over the final mound that I was able to leave on my journey.  Then today, day 2.  ( I didn't save my space yesterday with a chair) So last night I parked in an available space one that was dugged out by someone else.  One that I thought would be no problem in getting out this morning but once again today, I was stuck in the snow.  I shoveled again, and again, and again.  Took me forever to get out of the space...... but I perservered. 

It lead me to this thought that sometimes in life, we get stuck.  What's interesting is that with no fault of our own, we did our part.  But to no avail, we still aren't able to move forward.  Two things that I learned the last few days
1.  is that we are not meant to take this journey by ourself.  See if it hadn't been from a little help from a stranger.  I would still be stuck.  
2. Sometimes no matter how hard we plan, or try sometimes it's just inevitable that we will get stuck again.  

See I thought that just by the mere appearance of the space, that I would have different results than yesterday.  But I was wrong.  It doesn't matter where I park, I'm probably going to get stuck.  I know your asking what's your point preacher.   Sometimes in life we can't change the circumstances we find ourselves in, because what's around us hasn't change.  It won't be until the environment changes that I will no longer get stuck.  It also doesn't mean I will be stuck for ever.  It's just for a spell.  So be encouraged that if you find yourself not being able to get out of the rut.  It's because your environment hasn't changed yet.  You just have to take it day by day.  If you carry your shovel(I mean bible) with you always, you will know that God will never leave you or forsake you.   He will either send someone to give you a little push when you need it or give you the patience to press on.  Either way know that the snow will eventually melt.  But also know that it will snow again.  So expect to get stuck it's just a part of the process of life.