
Friday, July 15, 2011

"I Believe"

James Fortune sings this great song called,  "I Believe,"  it is  a powerful song.  The message is that no matter  what your going through, you have to believe that things will get better for you.   And then he points out not only should you believe but you should know that it's already done.  Recently my pastor said that we think that the future is the future for God.  Our future is God's present.  The creator that knows every hair on your head, surely knows what tomorrow holds.

I love the fact that just when you are ready to give up, God shows up and reminds you that "I got you."  Just when you've have done everything you know how to do, He shows up with a blessing to big for you to even understand.   I want to always remember that God has always got my back no matter what it is, big or small.  I guess that is why in the scriptures he says, don't worry about tomorrow for today's problem's are enough for today.  So short and sweet message today.

 For if you know who holds the future in his hands, then we should be able to believe, "It's Already Done!"

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