
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Clarity........And........When did your relationship start?

A few people have asked me, why this is called Tea Cake.   It is not a recipe.  About 2 years ago, I started writing a devotion which was sent to an aol list serve that I started with the help of my sister.  And due partly to the fact that  the Tea in Tea cake stands for Tiffany, and the cake part...... doesn't really stand for much except when I was younger my favorite cookies that my grandmother would make were you guess it, "Teacakes"  so a mixture of my name and my favorite cookie.

What's great about those days when grandma would bake those cookies we would have such a great time.  I would watch her make them, while she sang the hymns as she cooked.  

When I think about those moments it reminds me that we need to get back to the ole days.  When a little girl could sit and hear songs about Jesus.  It was there that I fell in love with Him.  It would take years later for me to develop a relationship.  But it started in that little kitchen in St. Louis.  

When did you fall in love with Jesus?   Singing,"Falling in love with Jesus" Falling in love with Jesus, falling in love with jesus was the best thing I ever ever done...........

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