
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Everything that the devil Stole

I recently got a chance to sing in a choir and I learned a song, by Dorinda Clark-Cole called," Take it Back." My favorite line in the song is Everything that the devil stole, God given it back to me.   This is one of those songs that reminds you that God is in the restoring business.  He knows that we often get discouraged because we feel bad about the things that seem to push us further and further away from HIm.  But I am here to let you know that He loves you too much for you to be separated from Him.  So don't let the enemy convince you other wise.  

It says, in a very familiar scripture in Romans 8:38(NLT) And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love.  Death can't, and life can't.  The angels can't, and the demons can't.  Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away.  

God has the ability to take back all of that heart ache, depression, and broken relations.  He can even take back your self doubt about the dreams He has given you.    So today, don't be discouraged.  Because there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God.   The song goes on to say, Can't have my joy, Can't have my peace, Cant have my faith, I want everything.   So don't let the trials of life steal your joy, peace and faith.   God desires for you to have them and They are yours!!!!!!!

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